Ahhh ... September!
Everyone is still here and I'm still swearing in my car. I always get excited when September rolls around. As a kid, going back to school...
Ahhh ... September!
Expansion Packs For Tracy's Beach Blanket Bingo (TM)
Came for the Golf, Stayed for the Snacks
Toilet Paper Should Not Grow on Trees
It's The Little Things
We're All Indoor Cats Now
Self-Isolation, Sense and Sensibility
Glamour Girl
Winter Woes
I Hereby Resolve...
Caroling, Caroling
Second Thanksgiving
Plumbing 101
The Scariest Time of the Year
Quality Time on Montauk Highway
The Airing of Grievances
Beach Blanket Bingo
A Weekend Away
Why Can't the Internet Do Perimenopause Better
Shaping Up for the Summer